710 Acres, Dawes County – Rattlesnake Butte Farm and Range
Rattlesnake Butte, the principal landmark for the area, is in the heart of this property. Rattlesnake Butte Farm and Range is steeped in history as the Sioux used it as a lookout and for planning raids on other tribes. The Butte has an elevation of 3,868 feet, and is one of the highest places in Nebraska. This gorgeous jewel of Nebraska rangeland is only minutes away from Chadron, NE, which has everything you would need in terms of groceries, feed, and more!
This property is a haven for wildlife, including Elk, Mule Deer, White-tail Deer, Merriam Wild Turkey, Dove and Upland Birds. The ranch is very well watered, with three live springs on the property. In addition to the scenic views, there are good trails throughout the pasture and wooded areas. This won’t last long, call Mike today!
Location: 3 Miles South &2½ MilesWest of Chadron, NE.
Rattlesnake Butte Farm and Range Legal Description:
Township 32N, Range 49W of the 6th P.M., Dawes County Nebraska
Section 10: W1/2
Section 15: W1/2
Section 22: W1/2NW1/4
Rattlesnake Butte Farm and Range Acre types
350.33 Dry Crop Acres
357.26 Range/TreeAcres
2.72 Roads
Total Taxable Acres Est: 710.31 Acres
Estimated Gross Income :
350.33 Dry Crop Acres@ $45.00= $15,764.00
357.26 Range/Tree Acres@ $28.00= $10,000.00
Total Income: $25,764.00
Estimated Expenses:
Insurance= $2,000.00
Fencing Materials= $ 500.00
Total Expenses: = $2,500.00
Estimate Net Income $23,264.00
Buyers and Sellers acknowledge all represented acres are based on the County Assessor’s records. Buyers acknowledge that they are purchasing a legal description, and acknowledge that fences may or may not be on the property lines.
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