1,407 Acres, Dawes County Grass and Dryland Combo
Just a mile off Highway 385, on this 1407.49± acre recreational gem, there are approximately 300 acres of dryland farm ground last planted in wheat- 2024 yield average was 86 bushels/acre, with a high of 99 bushels/acre. There is approximately 65 acres of alfalfa, planted 3 years ago. The remainder 1042 acres is pasture, that includes high quality native hard grass through the middle of the property.
The fencing is in good shape, with roughly 75% of the fencing being new. There are two wells, one on the east and one on the west side of the property, each with its on pipeline feeding multiple water tanks. There is a set of buildings on the property, including a shop with a concrete floor.
There is one landowners elk permit, and plenty of mule deer and the occasional whitetail that frequent the property as well.
The Seller is interested in leasing the pasture after sale.
Legal Description: 3 30 48 W2SW4NE4, SE4, W2, 2 30 48 W2, 10 30 48 N2, 10 30 48 E2NE4SE4, 11 30 48 NE4NW4,, NW4SW4, 11 30 48 NW4NW4, S2NW4, NE4SW4
Taxes: $11,084.48
Address: 150 Virginia Road, Chadron, NE 69337
County: Dawes
Buyers and Sellers acknowledge all represented acres are based on the County Assessor’s records. Buyers acknowledge that they are purchasing a legal description, and acknowledge that fences may or may not be on the property lines.
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