DeAnn Vaughn comes to Lashley Land with a wealth of experience to offer! She and her husband Steve owned and operated a Dairy Queen for 12 years. They understand the ins and outs of commercial real estate and owning and operating a business. They also owned and managed several rental houses for over 10 years, and have extensive experience in buying and selling rental homes. DeAnn and her family own and operate their own family ranch of seven years, but have been raising livestock for over 18. DeAnn’s extensive experience will make her an excellent resource in buying or selling homes, acreages, ranches, and commercial real estate.
DeAnn Vaughn, her husband and two kids love the outdoors and the lifestyle in Central Nebraska. DeAnn absolutely loves working in real estate! She gets to put all her hard-won knowledge and experience to good use helping her clients buy and sell real estate, the most rewarding part of this business for her. She loves meeting new people and putting her expertise to work in a way that is tremendously beneficial to her clients. DeAnn knows all the pitfalls, and can guide her clients in successfully avoiding them!
Phone: 308-248-2265
Email: deann@lashleyland.com
173 Acres, Keith County, South Platte River Bottom Lore
Hunting Recreational Waterfront
6 Acres, Dawson County, Zion Evangelical Church
Acreages Commercial Residential
13 Lakeview Rd.-Brady, NE
Lake Frontage Recreational Residential Waterfront
Grand View Estates Lots Lake McConaughy-2
Acreages Lake McConaughy Recreational Residential
Grand View Estates Lots Lake McConaughy-1
Acreages Lake McConaughy Recreational Residential
10 Acres, Keith Couty, 1 Reimers Rd
Acreages Recreational Residential
14 Lakeview Dr., Brady, NE
Lake Frontage Recreational Residential Waterfront
3 Westminster Ave-Lexington, NE
102-108 York Ave. – North Platte, NE
420 W. 11th St-North Platte, NE
1 Trump Trail-Lake McConaughy
Acreages Lake McConaughy Residential
Lot 15-Lake McConaughy
Acreages Lake McConaughy Residential