439 Acres, Scotts Bluff County – Lyman Irrigated Farm
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Lyman Irrigated Farm is a very nice Nebraska farm located in western Scotts Bluff county, South of Lyman.
The main home was built in 1999. It is a double wide mobile home set on a poured foundation with an attached garage. There is also an older home that is livable, but used for storage, and several outbuildings including an older barn.
The farm has 382 acres of Gering Ft. Laramie Irrigation District water. The cost on the water for 2021 is $12,319.50. The farm is watered by two 2016 Reinke pivots with end guns. One waters 115 acres and the other one is 128 acres and both are electric powered. The balance of the irrigated is watered by a wheel line{80 acres} and 15 acres by gated pipe. There are 12 acres that are sub-irrigated. This is a very good farm, located in a good area with strong hay sales. Current owner specializes in hay production, with most of the farm in alfalfa or triticale. Call Scott for more info and a showing.
Detailed information on hay sales is available for qualified buyers.
Lyman Irrigated Farm Income Potential
243 acres of pivot irrigated @ 200/acre=$48,000
110 sideroll, and flood irrigated acres @ 180/acre=$19,800
100 acres of grass and small tracts to graze with houses and barns=$9,000
Total potential income: $76,800
Lyman Irrigated Farm Acres
370± Cropland
69± Grass, building sites, roads, irrigation canals
439.37± Total acres
Legal Description:
PT SE 35-22-58
NE SW, N1/2N1/2 SE SW 35-22-58
NW SW 35-22-58
PT SE NE PT NE SE 34-22-58
SW NW 35-22-58
SE NW 35-22-58
N1/2 NW 35-22-58
Taxes: 14,279.02
Address: Lyman, NE 69352
County: Scotts Bluff
Buyers and Sellers acknowledge all represented acres are based on the County Assessor’s records. Buyers acknowledge that they are purchasing a legal description, and acknowledge that fences may or may not be on the property lines.
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