118 Acres, Brown County, Ainsworth Pivot Irrigated Farm
This property has a total of 118.37± acres with 97.5± of well producing irrigated farm ground for sale near Ainsworth. There is an electric, 8000 Valley 8 tower pivot with a diesel engine and stock well. The additional acres can be hayed and is conveniently located 4 miles West and 2 miles South of Ainsworth. Call Dodi Osburn at 402-322-5777 or April Good at 402-322-0770 for more information.
Legal Description N1/2 SW & SWSW 118.37 Acres 32-30-22
Taxes – Estimated $3,669.54
Address: Ainsworth, NE 69201
County: Brown
Buyers and Sellers acknowledge all represented acres are based on the County Assessor’s records. Buyers acknowledge that they are purchasing a legal description, and acknowledge that fences may or may not be on the property lines.
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